Vibratory Fillers HX/Series

Feeds free-flowing products into cases or drums weighing 5 to 75 pounds

The HX/Series vibratory filler is great for items such as nuts, seeds, spices, and snack foods, this system ensures accurate feeding, weighing, and dispensing with a precision of ±0.25 to 1%. It is precision-engineered to efficiently dispense free-flowing products into cases or drums, accommodating weights from 5 to 75 lbs. Powered by a pneumatic system, the HX/Series is available in configurations of 1 to 3 lanes, achieving speeds of up to 20 containers per minute. Made for durability and high performance, this series features large-capacity weigh buckets, a robust electromagnetic vibrator, a bulk product gate, and custom 16” wide vibrating trays for seamless product transport, setting a benchmark in its category.

Our weigh filler packaging machines

Aurora’s Vibratory Fillers provide you the perfect blend of accuracy, speed, and versatility across a comprehensive line of linear net weigh feeders. Our vibratory fillers are great for the controlled dispensing of products that are unsuitable for traditional auger filling. The line consists of single or multiple vibrating trays that carefully regulate the product into a load cell-equipped weigh bucket. When the required weight is attained, the bucket dispenses the product into a container or bag.

Our models are available for single cycle, as well as fully automatic, multiple position systems with conveyors, container handling, and checkweigher feedback for verified accuracy and package weight. With customized elements, including the hopper, feeder pan, and control system, Aurora vibratory weigh filling machines are designed to handle unique products with accurate weights. From small consumables such as nuts, candy, snack foods, and coffee to industrial-use powders, granules, and chemicals, our series of weigh feeders offer the flexibility to handle many types of products.

What net weigh filling machines can do for your production line

Aurora’s Net Weigh Filling machines will keep your production rates up to speed and provide an accurate amount of product at the same time. Every Aurora weigh feeder is designed to handle the unique needs of precise weights – from small consumables such as nuts and coffees to industrial-use powders and chemicals in packaging sizes weighing up to 1 kilogram. Vibratory fillers features include the hopper, a feeder pan and a control system. If you are not sure which vibratory net weigher is right for your filling and weighing needs, contact us and we will help you decide.


Weigh bucket sizes of 3 in3 to 1 ft3


All stainless steel, available in 1-4 lane configurations for semi-automatic of automatic models

Production Rates
Speeds ranging up to 15 CPM per lane, depending on fill size.

Embedded controller, 10.00″ color touch screen HMI, foot pedal initiation

Control Features
Individual control of all settings. Alphanumeric product naming. Bulk and dribble speed control. Containers per minute readout. Individual control of all settings. Automatic tare of weigh bucket. Users / Maintenance / Supervisor Login. Statistical analysis of a shift run. Weigh units of measure. Weight or count mode.

Hopper Capacity
Supply hopper capacity of 5 cu. ft., other options available: hopper extensions and covers

Weigh Bucket Sizes
3 in3 to 1 ft3

Machine Dimensions
Feed pan widths from .5″ to 12″ wide

100 product memory

Electrical Requirements
120V/1ph/60HZ standard (other voltages available)

Pneumatic Requirements
10 SCFM @ 60 PSI

Fix mounted – tools required


Conveyor. Indexing and automation packages. Partitioned hopper for ingredient mixing. Nylon coating and dimpled contact surfaces. Statistical package (USB). Various washdown designs. Variety of fill accessories. Nozzles or chutes. Electric dribble feed gate. Heavy-duty vibrator. Additional lanes for increased production. Product level control to signal infeed device. Hopper cover. Integration with OEM. 316 stainless steel contact and quick removal parts available.